Our Guarantee
Time and cost-Saving Professional service team
One-to-oneservice staff FREEconsultancy with local know-how
One-stopbusiness supporting services  
  • Wholly foreign owned enterprise · Business license · Taxation registration · Chops curved · Open bank account · Register with Commerce Commission


    OC: 15000元

  • Representative office · Business license · Taxation registration. · Chops curved · Open bank account


    OC: 5000元

  • HK company registration · Certificate of incorporation · Business registration certificate · Incorporation form · Company seal etc


    OC: 5000元

  • Inventor documents
  • Business address documents
  • Required apply form
Obtained document
1 Business license
2 Record-filing of Commerce Commission
3 Company seal
4 Bank account permit
Want to find a Cost-effective office?
Bring your briefcase, start the work right away

Premium Corporate image Project a premium corporate image with a CBD presence
Ergonomic office furniture

The inclusive of accounting service Flexible leasing rental (by month/quarter/year)